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Nahon, Saharovich, & Trotz
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NST Law Participates in 6th Annual Chili Cook-Off

This November, attorneys and staff members from Nahon, Saharovich & Trotz’s Memphis and Jackson offices had an excellent time participating in the 6th Annual Chili Cook-Off benefiting the Exceptional Foundation of West Tennessee (EFWTN). The EFWTN is a nonprofit organization, and its mission is to “enrich the lives of people with intellectual disabilities by meeting their social, recreational and continued educational needs.”

At this year’s Chili Cook-Off event, our firm prepared Texas Chili to be submitted to the judges. In total, there were more more than 15 teams that participated. In addition to serving chili to attendees, our booth featured arts and crafts and face painting for all of the kids in attendance.

The Chili Cook-Off is a large fundraiser for the EFWTN, and proceeds go towards funding programs for participants throughout the year. As always, we had an excellent time, and it was rewarding to be able to benefit such a great cause. Our team is already looking forward to next year!
