NST would handle a Little Rock bicycle accident case, first of all, by gathering all the information necessary to make sure you’ve got a claim against the ATA party. We’d look for any reports that were made, whether that’s a police report or an incident report. We’d look for video footage of the accident. We would talk to any witnesses who saw the accident just to make sure that the claim was preserved.
After that, your case would, of course, be assigned to a specific attorney and paralegal team that has handled those types of cases in the past. We’d make sure you were getting the treatment that you needed in order to get better. Basically, our goal at the beginning of a case is to make sure that the only thing you have to focus on is getting the treatment you need to get better.
Of course, once you’ve gotten better or reach maximum medical improvement, you got as good as you can get, you put together a settlement package to send off to the insurance company. If we’re able to negotiate an acceptable or a good settlement offer for you, the case put in there. If not, NST is willing to take extra steps necessary to secure a recovery for you, which includes filing a lawsuit, litigating the case if necessary.