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Toys for Tots Trot – Supporting Our Military and Our Youth

NST Law at Toys for Tots TrotNST was a proud sponsor of the 4th Annual Toys for Tots Trot held in Jackson, Tennessee, on September 21, 2019. The Toys for Tots Trot is an annual 5k run hosted by the Captain Jack Holland Detachment #735 of the Marine Corps League. The race began at the Carl Perkins Civic Center, and the lawyers and paralegals of our Jackson office had a great time participating in the festivities. 100% of the proceeds from the run will go to providing toys for children this coming holiday season through the Toys for Tots program.

The U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots Program has a special mission: “to deliver, through a new toy at Christmas, a message of hope to less fortunate youngsters that will assist them in becoming responsible, productive, patriotic citizens.” This non-profit organization seeks to develop the children of our community and unite members of our community. In 2018, the Mid-South Toys for Tots chapter donated 33,322 toys to the benefit of 11,679 children, ranging from newborns to 12-year-olds! NST Law salutes Toys for Tots and the local Marine Corp for their dedication to making the holiday season extra meaningful for so many children in West Tennessee. We also appreciate the kindness of all who donated toys and showed their support at the Toys for Tots Trot.
