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Cape Girardeau, MO Truck Accident Lawyers

Video Transcript
There are many cases that originate out of Cape Girardeau and Cape Girardeau County. This is due to the fact that I-55 runs, basically, straight through Cape Girardeau. We have an office there in Cape Girardeau. It allows us to respond efficiently and quickly to any clients that need our services in Cape Girardeau. Often times, when a person is involved in a tractor and trailer wreck, the insurance company or the tractor and trailer company, within hours of this wreck, will have investigators and attorneys on the scene. They’ll be able to document the evidence and, sometimes, they’ll be able to frame the evidence that favors the insurance company, the trucking company. These victims of car, tractor and trailer wrecks need someone who can level the playing field. NST and I myself have been handling tractor and trailer wrecks for 25 years. We have the knowledge, the financial means, and the tools that can level the playing field for these victims, so that we can obtain civil justice for them. Often times, we will have experts and investigators on the scene preserving and documenting the evidence. We have our experts to review the dash cams before they’re spoiled. We have investigators and experts to review the scene, determine gouge marks, how the wreck actually happened, and then we have experts who have the resources to download and analyze event data recorders that can tell us how fast the tractor and trailer was driving, how soon before the wreck did they brake, and were they paying attention. We look at log books to determine whether there are any fatigue issues of the driver. So, at NST, our main goal is to level the playing field and obtain the maximum civil justice that we can for our clients in Cape Girardeau, Missouri.
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