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Personal Injury Attorneys Fighting for Victims of Unsafe JUUL E-Cigarettes

UUL is a battery-operated smoking device that is a very popular brand in the e-cigarette market, especially among teenagers and young adults. The company targets teens with its products by offering a wide range of candy-like flavors, such as mango, mint, watermelon, and strawberry lemonade. JUUL advertises its products to consumers as being a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes, but safety organizations allege that it fails to warn consumers that their products could be as potentially dangerous or even more dangerous to the lungs than regular cigarettes. Across the United States, numerous product liability lawsuits have been filed and claims are being reviewed for consumers who have suffered injuries from JUUL products which may have been avoided if adequate warnings had been provided. If you or a loved one used JUUL and developed an unforeseen injury, call the JUUL lawyers of Nahon, Saharovich & Trotz for a free consultation. Side effects of JUUL have been linked to a wide range of serious problems which include heart attacks, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung irritation, nicotine addiction, bronchiolitis obliterans (popcorn lung), and wrongful death.

FDA Warnings Against JUUL and E-Cigarettes in General

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned that e-cigarettes present a clear and present danger of nicotine addiction, and that youth use of electronic cigarettes has reached an epidemic proportion.

The FDA has issued several public warnings regarding e-cigarettes in recent years, as the JUUL attorneys at our Tennessee-based firm are aware.

  • July 22, 2019: The FDA recently launched its first youth e-cigarette prevention television advertisement and has planned for new educational resources to promote the health risks and dangers associated with using JUUL and other e-cigarette brands. Some of the advertisements include the following language: “You might as well flush your lungs while you’re at it. Vaping can deliver toxic metal particles, like nickel, lead, and chromium directly into your lungs” and “When you find out what’s in a vape, you won’t be relieved. Vaping can expose you to some of the same cancer-causing chemicals as those found in cigarette smoke.”
  • June 13, 2019: The FDA required manufacturers of e-cigarettes to file a formal application with the FDA by August 2021 to keep selling their products. Due to this, JUUL has been under intense scrutiny and has already pulled some of their most popular flavors from retail stores and has shut down much of its advertisement on social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram where younger users are likely to frequent.
  • September 12, 2018: The FDA warned that e-cigarette use among minors has reached epidemic levels, and launched a nationwide awareness campaign in an effort to commit to reduce tobacco related disease and death. The FDA gave JUUL and other e-cigarette brands 60 days to submit plans to prevent youth vaping.

Pursuing Legal Action for Addiction and Injuries Caused by JUUL Products

Victims who suffer injuries related to JUUL usage may be able to recover financial compensation including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, and emotional distress. Depending on the specific facts of your case, there could be other damages available under the law. If the victim passed away, wrongful death damages may be recovered. Each state has its own laws relating to statutes of limitations and repose, making it critical to consult a lawyer that handles cases involving JUUL. Failure to abide by these laws may bar you from recovering from any compensation at all. Strict laws like these make it important to discuss your situation with a JUUL attorney as soon as possible so your legal rights can remain protected.

Let Our Experienced Personal Injury Lawyers Investigate Your Case

Do not delay in calling a lawyer if you or a loved one used JUUL and developed any of the side effects listed above. If you or someone you love was harmed by JUUL products, especially due to the alleged deceptive marketing tactics, our firm may be able to help you secure compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages to which you may be legally entitled. Nahon, Saharovich & Trotz handles all cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning you do not need to pay a retainer or any attorney fee up front. Instead, the attorney fee is taken out of the recovery. Our product liability attorneys have the resource to handle catastrophic injury cases, and we serve clients throughout Tennessee, Arkansas, Mississippi, Missouri, and Kentucky, including cities such as Memphis, Nashville, Knoxville, Chattanooga, Jonesboro, Little Rock, Jackson, Meridian, Tupelo, Columbus, Grenada, Starkville, Oxford, Hayti, Cape Girardeau, and Caruthersville. For a free consultation with a JUUL lawyer today, call 800-529-4004 or complete our online form. Let us show you why NST is the way to go.